EBM Consult

From the Editor-in-Chief

  • We welcome you to EBM Consult and hope that you find the medical information, images, and tools to not only help you improve your basic medical knowledge, but serve to give you the resources needed to further integrate evidence-based information with previously learned knowledge, clinical experience, and in a manner that is patient oriented.  We believe that it is only when health care providers appropriately understand the clinical application of medical information within the context of its available evidence that we can truly begin to practice "evidence-based medicine". 

    In order to do this, we must consider the data available as it is, good or bad, and with its strengths and weaknesses.  You may even find that some things we have learned over the years to be "classic or commonly seen" are not always based on high quality evidence or is even really "commonly seen".  Furthermore, you might begin to realize that some things we do in clinical practice is not even based on good evidence or has actually never been studied.  Regardless, as health care professionals we need to be able to access, efficiently find, appropriately interpret, and apply the available evidence as it is in a manner that is patient specific. 

    As such, it is our goal to provide you not only with concise, easy to understand general medical information, anatomical and radiographic images, and other tools that you might need from time to time, but to also summarize the best available evidence for a specific topic. Furthermore, we are committed to giving all health care professionals access to our core medical information for free with the hope of also being able to help medical practices or institutions around the world with limited access to resources.  Why?  To help all of us meet these goals in improving our knowledge of evidence-based health care so that we can best help the people we have been given the privilege and opportunity to serve.  

    This is certainly a big task and will be a work in progress, but we have to start somewhere and hope that you find the information useful.  

    Anthony J. Busti, MD, PharmD, MSc, FNLA, FAHA
    Founder and Editor-in-Chief